

Stories of Friendship, Family, Fun and Food.
All the way from the Emerald Isle!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oh God, I'm a horrible Wife....................

It's true. I am.

To begin with - Tuesday's kind of suck around here. I am in class from 8am - 6pm and it is pushing 7pm by the time I get home - no matter what I do. My last class of the day is German, and my teacher asked what I had planned for the evening. I told her I was going to drive at breakneck speed to get home in time to (hopefully) have dinner with my kids and hubby, then hop them into bed ASAP, as we all have an early start each morning. To which she replied ' oh, that is awful for the children, not seeing you at all'? Normally, a comment like this would reduce me to floods of tears, someone insensitive reminding me how horrible this was that I was abandoning my offspring - but the truth is, the kids don't really is true.
They are so happy with Granny taking care of them after school, having a treat, and getting their homework done. Then Ron comes to get them at 4:30pm and they play for the afternoon. Who needs Mum??

So why then am I a horrible wife I hear you ask.....................................??? Well, by the time I got home, it was well indeed 7pm and I was met at the door with the fantastic smell of fried chicken. Oh, God - kill me now, because I can feel my arteries hardening. I wanted to bitch a little because he left a basket of clean clothes right by the fryer - so now I have to re-wash them because they stink like fryer oli. But - I did not. Because, he was making dinner, it was late - and I love him for that.

Yes - it actually tasted as good as it looks. When I got into the kitchen, I was met with a few hello's, how'd it go, I missed you comments, but I was feeling my temperature rising even further because the mess in the kitchen was equal to that of a herd of elephants having stampeded through it - but stopped along the way to drag bag of flour out of the cupboards and mash it onto the counters and all over the floor.

Sheepishly grinning by the sink washing some pots and pans was my handsome Chef. "I made fried chicken for dinner and some cherry tomato risotto honey. Oh, and while I was at it, I made a lasagna for dinner tomorrow, so all we have to do is throw a salad together and make some garlic bread when we get home".
Me -biting down so hard on my tongue I could taste blood in order to stop myself from having a complete fit over the freaking mess in my kitchen, kissed him on the lips and went into the toilet to wash my hands before supper. It's ok - it is just a small mess. He made two freaking dinners!!

Came back out after calming myself down to be met with a very nice glass of my one of my favourite brews. I am tired, I am grumpy, I have just finished cleaning up the mess.
It was probably one of the best meals of my life. For real. Buttermilk soaked, deep fried sticky asian chicken with cherry tomato risotto......................and some belgian ale.
Oh, yeah. He also made chicken and dumplings (soup) for my Mum.
I know - I am lucky. I hate feeling so mad when I see the mess he makes. It is such a very small price to pay considering he cooks all day, then comes home to cook again, and take care of the kids, and feed the hens, and the least this time I managed to bite my tongue!
That is all the exhausted WiseWords I have for today!
Bad Wife,

Sunday, October 04, 2009

First and Foremost!

It has been one very long and extremely interesting month here at the Wise Family household! I have survived my first month back in University and the family is still somewhat intact. Of course this is largely due to the fact that Mummy Dearest has taken over the care and feeding of our children and so far - she seems to be happy doing so!

I finally picked my subjects and have a whopper of a schedule for my first year. (28 hours of class). Languages are heavy in hours and very intense, followed by Creative Writing and lastly just 4 hours of English Drama/Poetry per week.

Creative Writing is my core subject, followed fastly by English, Spanish and German. I study all four subjects for the first year, then drop one and carry three subjects for the remaining three years.

With subject choice decisions to be made no later than September 30th, 2009 - I found myself in quite a quandry. Needless to say creative writing was a no brainer as it was what I applied for - so even if I wanted to change this one - I can't!
I have always had an interest in Spanish esp. after living and working in the US and have to say - after only a month, I am so happy that I am learning it from scratch. It is an easier language and I cannot wait to start 'speaking' with my classmates.
German is my fourth filler subject. I am taking it for a year just to have for when we go back and forth to Switzerland.
So that left me really struggling with English. I had it in my head that I wanted to do English. I think it is a natural choice - and will be very beneficial to me in the long run. I started to worry a little about this choice early last week wondering if I would be able to write well enough - up to the academic level required to pass each year.

After talking to everyone including the girl at the parking desk at school - and after sitting into my first extra English tutorial I realised that no matter how hard it is (and it is quite difficult) I can handle it - because I love ENGLISH!

The last week has been spent nose deep in plays like Blasted, Sarah Kane; The Weir, Connor McPherson; By the Bog of Cats, Marina Carr; Angels in America, Tony Kushner; and we are rolling into some heavy ancient greek tragedy this week like Oedipus the King, Sophocles not to mention Jacobean tradgedy - The Duchess of Malfi, John Webster.

After halloween break (and my first graded essay of 1,500 words has been handed in) we move into poetry for the remaining 6 weeks of the semester before some winter exams then breaking for three long lovely weeks at Christmas.

I am worried about the exams - but will be keeping my nose in the books, taking good notes in class and studying whenever I get the chance around here!

All in all, I think that I have gotten off to a great start. I have not even touched on the creative writing part of school (which is the best part) I guess I will just have to save that for later.

I am making lots of friend (no, really I am!) and I am going to start a little campaign to get myself a little office in one of the older buildings. I need a quiet space to write and there are just way too many 17 year olds gabbing and chatting in the library.....................Oh to be young, painted top to toe in fake tan, with Ugg boots and Gucci schoolbag..........................

Nah - quite happy to be the older kid at school!

That is all the WiseWords I have for today.


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