We had to either sing a song, or do a little dance or something in order to get our treat which usually consisted of nuts, apples and possibly money of we were decent entertainers.
Then, somehow everyone ended up back at our house where Mum & Dad always had a huge amount of games lined up for us to play. Bobbing for apples in a tub of water, Hanging apples from a doorway tied to a string, and with your hands tied behind your back you had to try to take a bite out of the apple (this, may sound easy, but is actually impossible) and my favourite one was a plate with a large mountain of flour poured onto it. Perched atop this pile of flour was a little grape. Each child had to (using a butter knife) slice away the flour until the grape tumbled of the pile onto the plate. Whoever dislodged the grape had to stick their face into the flour and rescue then eat the grape!
Thankfully our little street is very small with only a few houses so it only took about 30 minutes of craziness - they should rename this holiday to Candy Exchange.
That is all the WiseWords I have for today,
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