HOWEVER, I think that a lot of Irish people will be dining on good old fashioned roast turkey for Christmas. At the market this morning I bumped into some feathered friends who live locally and have free range of the farm they live on. So, not living a truly organic lifestyle (their diet) but a decent quality of life.
They were on 'Sale Display' and all you had to do was sign up if you wanted one for the tune of € 65.00 !!!! (that is almost $85 for a 14 pound turkey!!!!!)
Now, I know we are living on a tight budget these days and I am very lucky to have my personal Chef do all the shopping so I do not get too exposed to price gouging - but COME ON!!
We were spoiled rotten when living in the US because the cost of food was so low (compared to the Emerald Isle or Switzerland). I remember spending, at the very most $25 - $30 for an Organic turkey (fresh and local).
When I called the American Embassy a few weeks ago to see how other American family's sourced their turkeys for Thanksgiving (fresh only available at Christmas here) I was informed that they actually flew their own US birds across the pond to feed all the hungry American families who are far away from home!
Initially, I was kind of annoyed that with all the local (and great) producers/farmers they should put a little thought into buying locally but I gotta tell you at this price, you could probably fly a few turkeys to Ireland!
Ok, I have said my piece. Duck for Christmas!
That is all the WiseWords I have for today,
Ps - the Chef felt it was important to note here that we did indeed have a 12 lb turkey for Thanksgiving. It was FRENCH and FROZEN for €10.99. Ok, not supporting my Buy Irish/local motto, but doing our part to support the EU!
In France, the price of "chapon" is going through the roof, so I think we'll have turkey which is not as expensive!!!
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