

Stories of Friendship, Family, Fun and Food.
All the way from the Emerald Isle!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Addict Update

So, how am I really doing? Well, it has been rough these past few months since returning home to the old sod. After realising there was NO STARBUCKS on my side of the island, it took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that I would be saving myself so much money and instead of pining for my favourite brew, I needed to get out there and rejoice!

Truth be told and I am not ashamed that all of you will know this - The Chef and I are addicts.
We, hand over heart cannot give up our addiction to Starbucks home brew coffee.
There, I have said it. We tried, and tried just about every blend there was on offer to grind and press. From fair trade to instant, from organic to green. Ron even found those coffee beans that are eaten by a goat or a cat or something and then pooped out for a finer blend. Tasted OK, says he!

So, how do we feed our fix? Well, thankfully the fair city of Dublin is less than a two and a half hour drive away and with family and friends passing through we have managed to keep a steady supply of Verona and Gold Coast stocked and ready for our french press each morning.

In addition, when we left Switzerland we brought with us our adorable little Nespresso machine and they deliver our favourite pods right to the door in the middle of the sticks here in Galway!

That is all the WiseWords I have for tonight,



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