

Stories of Friendship, Family, Fun and Food.
All the way from the Emerald Isle!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Baby Guinness

So, our dear friend Eric is visiting for a week. He flew in yesterday all the way from LA with his suitcase loaded down with Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and Tipsy Olives (Oh GOD thank YOU!).

My youngest sister Cathyann (who lives in Limerick and very close to Shannon airport) picked the shorter straw and got the pleasure of picking him up from the airport at 5:45am yesterday morning!!!

She made sure to take him on a small tour of her little town (almost one million people) and showed him the sights like the local University, a few ruins and castles before taking him to her favourite local breakfast place for a FIB (FULL IRISH BREAKFAST).

They then headed north up the coast to Galway stopping in to a lovely pub called Durty Nellys at Bunratty Castle.

This is where Eric lost his Irish Guinness virginity. From there, they headed closer and closer to us, but not without hitting another great pup called Paddy Burkes of Clarinbridge - Home of the Oyster!

This is where Cathyann introduced him to the Baby Guinness - it is a shot of Tia Maria (like Kahlua) with Baileys floated on top.........................I think it sounds horrible, but I do not have a sweet tooth, and Eric liked it!

Finally home to our place around 3.30pm, just as my handsome Chef arrived in the door from a long week at work. Shocking, but more drinking occurred at this point, and somehow managed to continue into the wee hours of the morning.

Ron made Rondo Burgers (freaking ENORMOUS burgers topped with sticky caramelised onions and Gorgonzola Stilton cheese) and I had prepared a lovely ham and some yummy butter beans.

We wrapped up the night with some yummy fudge that Ron had made earlier this week, and were all most thankful to hit the pillows when the time came.

The house is quiet this morning as most everyone still sleeps, with the exception of my two little crumb catchers who just got up and are looking for breakfast!

Enjoy the weekend!

That is all the WiseWords I have for today,



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